Pattern library cheat sheet

Installation & setup

  • Tool installation

    • All these commands should be executed in Terminal, one-by-one, in order.

    • xcode-select --install
      /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
      brew install ruby
      echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
    • Then open your repo in Terminal, from GitHub Desktop: Repository > Open in Terminal

    • bundle init
    • Open the new Gemfile, add the following line:

    • gem "jekyll"
      group :jekyll_plugins do
        gem "jekyll_patternbot"
    • Pop back to Terminal, type:

    • bundle install
  • Jekyll Patternbot & Netlify setup

    • Create a new file: _config.yml

    • permalink: pretty
      theme: jekyll_patternbot
    • Create a new file: .ruby-version

    • Add a fairly current Ruby version number, like:

    • 2.6.2
    • Make sure everything’s committed.

    • Create an account on Netlify, using your GitHub account.

    • Add a new site, and connect your repo.

    • “Build command”—jekyll build

    • “Publish directory”—_site

    • Copy the link from Netlify & put it in your GitHub repo.

  • Starting & stopping

    • First, open your Jekyll folder in Terminal using the GitHub app shortcut—⌃`

    • Start Jekyll:

    • bundle exec jekyll serve
    • View your website in a browser:

    • http://localhost:4000/
    • Stop Jekyll:

    • Control + C
      Or just quit Terminal.
    • ☛ Jekyll terminal guide.

    • If hosting on GitHub, don’t forget baseurl

    • bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl=""

Folders & files

  • Folder structure

    • Here’s a typical structure for a Patternbot folder.

    • _config.yml
        └ default.html
        └ buttons/
           └ basic.html
           └ ghost.html
           └ buttons.css
           └ config.yml
        └ banners/
           └ call-to-action.html
           └ carousel.html
           └ banners.css
           └ banners.js
           └ config.yml
        └ modules.css
        └ grid.css
        └ type.css
        └ theme.css
        └ main.css
        └ icons.svg
        └ logo.svg
        └ logo-16.svg
  • CSS

    • Patternbot will do special things with your CSS files:

    • css/
        └ modules.css
        └ grid.css
        └ type.css
        └ theme.css
        └ main.css
    • modules.css — will show different features & classes from Modulifier.

    • grid.css — will show different sizes & classes from Gridifier.

    • type.css — will show different sizes & classes from Typografier.

    • main.css — used to combine all the CSS together, like this:

    • ---
      {% include_relative modules.css %}
      {% include_relative grid.css %}
      {% include_relative type.css %}
      {% include_relative theme.css %}
      {% pattern_css %}
  • theme.css

    • Patternbot parses variables from your theme.css file, inside the :root selector:

    • Colours variables start with --color-

    • :root {
        --color-primary: red;
        --color-primary-dark: crimson;
        --color-secondary: green;
        --color-secondary-muted: olive;
        --color-neutral: #e2e2e2;
        --color-neutral-dark: rgb(40, 40, 40);
        --color-accent: hotpink;
        --color-awesome: cornsilk;
    • --color-primary is treated as the most important colour.

    • --color-secondary is treated as the second most important colour.

    • --color-neutral & --color-accent are grouped.

    • Font variables start with --font-

    • :root {
        --font-primary: Georgia, serif;
        --font-secondary: "Sarabun", sans-serif;
        --font-accent: "Abril Fatface", serif;
  • Logos

    • Patternbot will look for .svg and .png images in the images/ folder

    • images/
        └ logo.svg
        └ logo-64.svg
        └ logo-32.svg
        └ logo-16.svg
  • Icons

    • Patternbot will look for .svg spritesheets in the images/ folder

    • images/
        └ icons.svg
  • JS

    • Follows the same system as CSS:

    • main.js — used to combine all the JS together, like this:

    • ---
      {% include_relative jquery.css %}
      {% include_relative font-helper.css %}
      {% pattern_js %}
  • Sample pages

    • Put HTML files into the sample-pages folder and they will show in Patternbot’s navigation.

    • sample-pages/
        └ home-page.html
        └ product-details.html
  • Utility classes

    • Write descriptions for classes within theme.css using the @utility tag to highlight them in Patternbot.

    • /* @utility Set the type using the accent typeface */
      .font-accent {
        font-family: var(--font-accent);
      /* @utility Add an appropriate border to the bottom of an element */
      .borderify {
        border-bottom: .1em solid var(--color-neutral);
  • Utility variables

    • Describe & call out other variables within :root with the @var tag:

    • :root {
        /* @var The standard border radius to be use whenever rounded corners are required */
        --border-radius: 8px;
        /* @var Use to add a semi-transparent background overlay */
        --bg-overlay: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);

Configuration & documentation

  • _config.yml settings

    • Scope all of Patternbot’s settings under the patternbot: key:

    • patternbot:
        title: "Dino Rescue"
        description: |
          A small local dinosaur rescue organization specializing in herbivores. Dinos are in danger and we need to save them all!
        # Supports all online font systems that give CSS URLs
        font_url: ",400i,700|Source+Code+Pro:400,700"
        # Define colours for the interface
          background: "--color-neutral"
          accent: "--color-primary"
          sidebar: "--color-secondary"
            brand.logos: "--color-primary-dark"
            grids.grid-sizes: "--color-secondary"
            # Style the background colour of icons
            icons.icons.micropachycephalosaurus: "--color-primary-light"
            # Apply colours to SVG spritesheet variables
            icons.icons.velociraptor.--color-stroke: "black"
        # Rationalize typeface & colour choices
          typefaces.primary: |
              The primary typeface represents clarity and simplicity. It should be used for just about everything.
          typefaces.secondary: |
              The secondary typeface is specifically for code samples within the website.
          colors.primary: |
              Well it’s red because why not.
          colors.secondary: |
              This colour was chosen because it’s complementary to red. It should be used sparingly for little punches of difference.
        # Explain when to use Jekyll layouts
          default: |
            To be used for every page, contains the masthead and footer.
        # Explain when to use Jekyll includes
          contact-details: |
            To be used for showing author contact details.
  • Pattern documentation

    • Add a config.yml to pattern folders for documentation.

    • title: "Buttons"
      description: |
        The buttons use our primary colour to draw attention and stand out. Each button has a specific purpose:
        # The key is the same as the HTML file’s name
          title: "Basic"
          description: |
            Things & stuff & junk.
          title: "Ghost"
  • Pattern configuration

    • Each pattern has a little bit of configuration for its display in Patternbot.

    • patterns:
          # Change the background color of the pattern
          background: "--color-accent"
          # Set the initial width of the pattern’s display
          width: 400
          # Add padding around the pattern to help it display
          padding: 3em
          # Add a minimum height to the pattern’s display
          height: 400
          # Specify the Jekyll include fields
            # The name of the field for Jekyll
            - name: 'url'
              # The type of information the include expects
              type: 'string'
              # An example of what the content is
              example: '/products'
              # Specify if the information is optional
              required: false
            - name: 'class'
              type: 'class'
              # If the type is `class` specify what classes are acceptable
                - 'btn-ghost'
                - 'btn-subtle'
            - name: "data"
              type: "object"
              # Send a Jekyll piece of data to populate the include’s information
                source: "[1]"
                type: "Product"