A quick overview of important SEO concerns for a website, important tags, and important data.

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SEO & metadata

Google is smart, but only so smart

  • Google is smart about figuring out what content is good
  • And good at determining relevance

But with SEO we can give them a little help

Things that matters

  • Human-friendly text—with minimal, semantic code
  • Clear information hierarchy
  • First line of first paragraph
  • Links to your site from reputable sources
  • Clean, meaningful URLs & filenames
  • Metadata: enhanced semantics, rich information
  • Speed, security & responsiveness

Tags that matter

  • <title>
  • <meta name="description">
  • <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc.
  • First line of the first <p>
  • <a>
  • <img alt="">
  • <strong>, <em>
<!-- The `<title>` tag is extremely important -->
<!-- The title must be unique for every single page -->

<!-- Homepage title pattern -->
<title>Site/Company Name · Small keyword rich, catchy phrase · City, Country</title>
<!-- Inside page title pattern -->
<title>Page Title · Site/Company Name</title>

<!-- The `<meta>` `description` is sometimes used -->
<!-- Unique for every single page — max 150 characters -->
<meta name="description" content="A short sentence describing the purpose and content of this individual page.">

<!-- Don’t use `<meta>` `keywords` — it’s completely ignored by all search engines -->

Other files

  • sitemap.xml — suggest what pages exist and their importance
  • robots.txt — used to block search engines — should exist even if blocking nothing
  • humans.txt — show who created the site, what tools where used, resources & references

Structured data

Have you ever asked Google a question and gotten an answer?

Google can answer that because websites mark up their content so computers can understand

Social media

When you share something on Facebook or Twitter (et al.), the little preview is defined by specific tags


A quick overview of important SEO concerns for a website, important tags, and important data.