What’s this JavaScript thing?

An introductory slide deck explaining what JavaScript is and what it can do for us and our websites.

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What’s this JavaScript thing?

JavaScript ≠ Java

Two completely different programming languages

Complete control

  • Complete control over your HTML & CSS
  • You can manipulate it any way you want
  • Adds more features that you can’t normally access

Some design-y examples

  • Hiding/showing content with clicks
  • Waypoints & smooth scrolling
  • Interactive SVG charts
  • Carousels
  • Lightboxes
  • Load extra content onto a page

Some application-y examples

  • Detect user’s location
  • Speak out the page’s content
  • VR, 3D graphics & games
  • Data, video & audio communication
  • Form interactions & information collection
  • Super complex applications (Markbot)

Think like a computer

  • JavaScript is a legit programming language
  • You need to start thinking like a computer
  • Computers only do exactly what you ask them

What’s this JavaScript thing?

An introductory slide deck explaining what JavaScript is and what it can do for us and our websites.