Responsive animated dashboard

Combining all of the topics from Web Dev 3 to create a full responsive, animated dashboard website.

Referenced lessons

This layout and series of videos combine together all the lessons from Web Dev 3.

☛ See the list of Web Dev 3 tutorials

Video list

  1. Dashboard: Intro
  2. Dashboard: Masthead HTML
  3. Dashboard: Navigation style
  4. Dashboard: Masthead style
  5. Dashboard: Farthest distance panel
  6. Dashboard: Bar chart
  7. Dashboard: Probes table
  8. Dashboard: Destination images
  9. Dashboard: Tab HTML
  10. Dashboard: Tab CSS
  11. Dashboard: Responsive design
  12. Dashboard: Visual design
  13. Dashboard: Animated bar chart
  14. Dashboard: Counting numbers
  15. Dashboard: Navigation JavaScript
  16. Dashboard: Navigation UX
  17. Dashboard: Tabs JavaScript
  18. Dashboard: Accessibility
  19. Dashboard: Keyboard accessibility
  20. Dashboard: Accessibility testing
  21. Dashboard: Validation
  22. Dashboard: Browser testing
  23. Dashboard: Performance