Planning software

An overview of the Agile development process, parts we’re going to use, and how we’ll use GitHub as project management software.

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Planning software

Agile practices

  • Focus on users & customers
  • Reorient when requirements & people’s minds change


  • Scrum: Small features, completed in a set timeframe, assigned to a single person
  • Kanban: A visualization system for tracking task flow


Taken from Scrum

  1. Start by meeting to define deliverables
  2. Determine the due date for all the deliverables
  3. Assign each deliverable to a single person

We’ll follow a 1-week schedule

A simplified sprint flow

Sprint visualization

Taken from Kanban

  1. Create new board for the sprint
  2. Put all the tasks into the “To do” column
  3. When a task is underway, move to “In progress”
  4. When a task is complete, move to “In review”
  5. When approved, move to “Done”

An example task board

GitHub project management

We can do all this within GitHub’s tools!

  • Issues — tasks: categorized, assigned to people
  • Milestones — sprints: group issues & assign a deadline
  • Projects — visualization: create & automate boards

And store our code in the same place!

GitHub Issue labels

Project boards

  • Create a new “Project” for each sprint (week)
  • Set up automation features so some cards can automatically move


Every sprint (week) create a milestone with a deadline to group all the sprint’s tasks.

Issues as todos

Each task is…

  • Defined in a separate Issue
  • Further broken down within the Issue using lists
  • Assigned to a single individual
  • Assigned to the sprint’s milestone
  • Assigned to the sprint’s project board

Issue or it doesn’t exist

Chat/messaging is ephemeral—if there isn’t an Issue on GitHub, the task doesn’t exist.

  • Chat/messaging is for quick questions and starting points
  • Issues are for deep discussions & work definitions

Planning software

An overview of the Agile development process, parts we’re going to use, and how we’ll use GitHub as project management software.