Branching woes & branching goes

An in-class activity to help visualize & understand the different parts of branching & committing.

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Branching woes & branching goes

What & why

Understanding Git branching, and GitHub Flow, is critical to working as a team on the same codebase.

There are lots of steps to the process and we need to get a visualization, in our heads, of how everything fits together.

We’re going to label a visualization of Git commits & branches to help understand the problem.

Set up

  1. Form into pairs, not necessarily your teams
  2. Download this graphical Git log
  3. Label all the important bits
  4. Answer some questions about the Git log

Label these things

  • Note all the commits
  • Label the master branch
  • Give each feature branch a name
  • Note where a branch was created
  • Note where a pull request & merge happened

Answer these questions

  • A — Is the green button visible on the live website?
  • B — Why is the readme visible in this branch’s code?
  • C — Why aren’t the cards visible on the live website?
  • D — Can the green button be included in the cards?
  • E — How would the cards branch get access to buttons?

Branching woes & branching goes

An in-class activity to help visualize & understand the different parts of branching & committing.