Markdown & YAML

A small overview of the Markdown & YAML languages, and their purposes & syntax.

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Markdown & YAML

Content & data

Markup languages like HTML for representing content & data

  • Markdown — simplified HTML
  • YAML — simplified JavaScript data

Can be combined together: Markdown in YAML & YAML in Markdown

Why use Markdown or YAML?

  • They’re easier to write
  • They’re ubiquitous & standardized (mostly)
  • They can be written without special tools

Where are they used?

  • READMEs for open source projects
    All your assignment descriptions

  • Configuration for applications
    All your assignment requirements

  • Making auto-generated websites
    Pretty much the whole of Learn the Web

Extensions & editors

Use Atom or Sublime or anything for editing

  • .md — Markdown (can have YAML inside)
  • .yml — YAML (can have Markdown inside)

Atom provides built-in Markdown preview:

Packages > Markdown Preview

# For heading level 1                         <!-- Denote headings with # -->
## For heading level 2
### For heading level 3

- List item 1                                 <!-- Unordered list -->
- List item

1. Numbered list item 1                       <!-- Ordered list -->
2. Numbered list item 2

Just a *plain* old **paragraph**!             <!-- Paragraphs are just lines by themselves -->
                                              <!-- Single * is italic. Double ** is bold -->

Link to [Wikipedia](

---                                       # Start the file
name: Tyrannosaurus                       # A list, like a <dl>
period: Late Cretaceous
dimensions:                               # List inside a list!
  width: 3 metres
  height: 8 metres

likes_to_eat:                             # Another list, like a <ul>
  - Other dinosaurs
  - Meat

desc: |                                   # Markdown in my YAML!
  ## The T.Rex


  The **most fearsome** of all *dinosaurs*.
name: Tyrannosaurus
period: Late Cretaceous

The **most fearsome** of all *dinosaurs*.

Markdown editors


Markdown & YAML

A small overview of the Markdown & YAML languages, and their purposes & syntax.