A small overview of the Markdown & YAML languages, and their purposes & syntax.
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Markdown & YAML
Content & data
Markup languages like HTML for representing content & data
Markdown — simplified HTML
YAML — simplified JavaScript data
Can be combined together: Markdown in YAML & YAML in Markdown
Why use Markdown or YAML?
They’re easier to write
They’re ubiquitous & standardized (mostly)
They can be written without special tools
Where are they used?
READMEs for open source projects All your assignment descriptions
Configuration for applications All your assignment requirements
Making auto-generated websites Pretty much the whole of Learn the Web
Extensions & editors
Use Atom or Sublime or anything for editing
.md — Markdown (can have YAML inside)
.yml — YAML (can have Markdown inside)
Atom provides built-in Markdown preview:
Packages > Markdown Preview
# For heading level 1 <!-- Denote headings with # -->
## For heading level 2
### For heading level 3
- List item 1 <!-- Unordered list -->
- List item
1. Numbered list item 1 <!-- Ordered list -->
2. Numbered list item 2
Just a *plain* old **paragraph**! <!-- Paragraphs are just lines by themselves -->
<!-- Single * is italic. Double ** is bold -->
Link to [Wikipedia](https://wikipedia.org/).

--- # Start the file
name: Tyrannosaurus # A list, like a <dl>
period: Late Cretaceous
dimensions: # List inside a list!
width: 3 metres
height: 8 metres
likes_to_eat: # Another list, like a <ul>
- Other dinosaurs
- Meat
desc: | # Markdown in my YAML!
## The T.Rex

The **most fearsome** of all *dinosaurs*.
name: Tyrannosaurus
period: Late Cretaceous
The **most fearsome** of all *dinosaurs*.