Finding eCommerce patterns

Scour through lots of eCommerce websites to find common patterns & generate a list.

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Finding eCommerce patterns

What & why

eCommerce websites & platforms are large beasts with lots of pages & components.

We need to figure out what our eCommerce websites will need and how they’ll fit into the term.

Let’s crowd-source the list of possible eCommerce patterns.

Set up

  1. Form into pairs
  2. Generate a list of eCommerce patterns
  3. This document can be a reference for designing your own site

Finding patterns

  1. Find all the patterns in the following screens
  2. Create a list of possible patterns and tabulate their frequency to help determine importance
    • Small patterns like a button
    • or Big patterns like a card
      (that might use the button pattern)

Finding eCommerce patterns

Scour through lots of eCommerce websites to find common patterns & generate a list.