Team reflection

Reflect on how well you did—and how well your teammates did—well completing the semester’s team project.

The feedback is (mostly) anonymous.1 Be honest, critical & helpful.

The reflection you submit will be used for final grading for you and your teammates. You will need to submit a suggested grade for yourself—and your teammates; this grade will be averaged out to create a final, individual, “Teamwork” grade for you and the other students who were part of your team.

This feedback will not be passed on to your teammates.

Personal teamwork reflection

First, reflect on your own contributions to the team project and how hard you worked. Honesty is expected.

What grade would you give yourself?

Teammate 1’s teamwork reflection

Reflect on Teammate 1’s contributions to the team project and how hard they worked. Honesty is expected.

What grade would you give Teammate 1?

Teammate 2’s teamwork reflection

Reflect on Teammate 2’s contributions to the team project and how hard they worked. Honesty is expected.

What grade would you give Teammate 2?

Teammate 3’s teamwork reflection

Reflect on Teammate 3’s contributions to the team project and how hard they worked. Honesty is expected.

What grade would you give Teammate 3?

Teammate 4’s teamwork reflection

Reflect on Teammate 4’s contributions to the team project and how hard they worked. Honesty is expected.

What grade would you give Teammate 4?

1 — Notes on anonymity

  • The teacher will know who wrote & submitted the feedback—but your teammate’s will not have access to the feedback.